Tell us a bit about your shoot – where, when, the idea behind it, etc…
We dedicated this shoot to feature lululemon’s new body-hugging Glow Up collection. Designed to suit your every training need. We shot it in Sydney’s Dale Loft Studio. I have to say, the pieces are incredibly sleek, smooth and snug whilst being stretchy enough for the type of movement and training I do.

Do you have a morning routine that you swear by?
I have to consume a call of fresh ginger and lemon in warm water and a sprinkle of my 9 x roasted bamboo salt. I feel it’s the perfect digestive cleanse upon waking, followed by a nice morning walk to get the body moving.

Was health and fitness important to you growing up, and how has your fitness philosophy changed over the years?
Always. I feel I have always been quite active and conscious of my health and wellbeing, being a competitive dancer for 10 years growing up. I have enjoyed the evolution of what my body feels it needs over the years. I transitioned and enjoy more resistance style training whether it be yoga or Pilates I am a big believer in listening to your body, what works for you can look very different to what works for others and that is okay.

Talk us through your weekly training split.
I am always on the go, never in the same place for long. This can sometimes be challenging to stick to any regular routine. However, I do try to achieve 3 x yoga/Pilates sessions a week, 7-10k steps per day and a simple daily stretch always makes me feel good and recharged.

How do you stay motivated on days when you don’t feel like working out?
I just remind myself, to get up and move and remember that I will always thank myself and feel better within myself after.

If you’re not in activewear at the gym, where can we find you and what are you most likely to be doing?
Either at my desk/laptop tapping away, sitting on a plane or in another country. Haha.

We live in an age of social media where people have more access than ever to our lives and are quick to judge. How do you handle negative comments or criticism online and in real life?
I do not feel I receive negative comments or criticism. I feel quite lucky and blessed in that way. However, my standpoint, if ever I did receive such reactions, is to very simply not take it on, other people’s opinions and behaviour has nothing to do with me, and only a reflection of them. It’s not for me to take on.

What self-care strategies do you use to maintain positive mental health?
I must must must journal daily, I feel off if I don’t. it just helps me remain present and aware of what is going on in my life, plus I love looking back at old journals to see how far I have grown and evolved. I also value my ME time, whether it be an infrared sauna, float session, or I have recently started EES sessions (look it up if you haven’t heard of it).

What is your approach to nutrition? How do you maintain balance and still enjoy your favourite foods?
I am quite in tune with my body and what it needs, so I just listen. I definitely am mindful of my proportion sizes and try not over-eat when I am not hungry, there is no need, we are beyond cave man days. I also don’t restrict myself either. If I want something, I will eat it. In saying that, I also do not like lollies, chocolate or ice-cream so naturally not consuming sugary foods I feel helps me a lot. They offer 0 nutritional value, so why do it to yourself. Just educate yourself, look at what you’re eating and ask yourself is this servicing me or hurting me? Am I being kind to my body and loving it the way it deserves to be loved?

What’s your go-to treat?
So random, craving chilli pickles right now. SO just a few of those atm everyday makes me feel nice.

Who inspires you?
Miranda Kerr. Always and forever. On every level.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
I feel a lot of people can tell you a lot of things, but unless you experience something and learn it for yourself, you’ll never truly embody that wisdom.

What’s next for you?
Ooo great question, a quantum leap is definitely brewing!

FULL NAME: Paris Raine
HOMETOWN: Sydney, Australia
BORN: 08/08
INSTAGRAM: @parisraine
PHOTOGRAPHER: @neildixonphoto
HMU: @amyhanneman_makeup
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